Systems Thinking is what we call a paradigm, a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over… Read more Introduction to Systems thinking
Category: Supply Chain

A Systemic approach to the Health Supply Chain Cycle
I am making the assumption that this relationship diagram has been created by an organization like ACT, Gates Foundation, USAID,… Read more A Systemic approach to the Health Supply Chain Cycle

Why you should consider change in your business operations
Businesses now have 2 challenges in the coming months and years after Covid-19. Clawing back market share Generating Cash flow… Read more Why you should consider change in your business operations
Strategy to consider for the New Normal
In an article published in the Sunday World, Black Business Council CEO Kganki Matabane, raises the issue about the high… Read more Strategy to consider for the New Normal
Change for the good of South Africa.
We now have light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not the 3:30 express masquerading as Covid-19. The… Read more Change for the good of South Africa.

Improving responsiveness in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Manufacturing and Supply Chain processes don’t function in only one direction. As systems, they are bi-directional and the flow of information is as important as the flow of product.

The questions on everyone’s minds at the moment. What is the world going to be like after Covid-19? How are… Read more SURVIVING IN THE “NEW NORMAL”

Identifying causes of margin erosion
2 things happened this weekend that triggered this post. First, I watched an interesting webinar with Rob O’Byrne from Logistics… Read more Identifying causes of margin erosion

The Cost world vs. the Flow world
FLOW protects cost, Cost doesn’t protect FLOW.
Just how Innovative is DDMRP? 3rd and 4th Innovations
The innovations are designed to work together to minimise variation, reduce the lead time to customer, ensure stock is available in each of the buffers to support a 95%+ Customer Service level at the optimal inventory level with the highest return on capital employed (ROCE)